Cookie Decorating - Sign up to bring materials for our December 20th cookie decorating! Hours will be provided for those who bring items.
- Sign-ups due DECEMBER 16TH.
- If you signed up already, materials can be left in M. Mondesir's room (1815) throughout the day on DECEMBER 20TH. Please leave a post-it with your name and ID number so your hours will be accounted for.
- We will be donating gifts for 5 children this holiday season! Help make someone's holidays special this year.
- Drop-off ends DECEMBER 12TH.
- Items can be left in M. Mondesir's room (1815), and must be labeled with the child you wish to adopt, as well as your name and ID number.
- Hours will vary based on items bought. Requested items listed below.
- 4 year old boy: Target gift card
- 6 year old boy: Target gift card
- 10 year old boy: pants, shirts, socks, and underwear. SIZE 7 YOUTH
- 17 year old girl: Amazon gift card
- 17 year old girl: Victoria's secret pink joggers set / sweats, socks, pajamas. SIZE WOMEN'S LARGE/TALL
- Write articles for our newsletter! Art also accepted. Hours will be given.
submission form (click here)
Clash of Cultures
- Partnership with the EBHS International Club! Will occur on January 20th.
- Form groups of 5-6 and prepare a poster about a Francophone country. Include info about food, fashion, tradition, etc. Prepare a fun activity!
- 1 hour MINIMUM for a poster + activity. More hours will be provided for each hour you stay!
*7 recommended by midterms, 15 by induction to be inducted
- NEWSLETTER | Hours based on length and content
- FRENCH TIKTOK | 0.5 hours each
- FRENCH SPOTIFY PLAYLIST | 0.5 hours each, 3 MAX
- COOKIE DECORATING | 1 hour each material brought / slot filled
- ADOPT-A-CHILD | Hours based on item brought
- CLASH OF CULTURES | 1 hour MINIMUM, additional for each hour you stay
Check hours on the "hours" tab of our website.
CONTACT US instagram: @ebhsfhs